This Baby Ducky Balloon Bouquet comes in bright and soft yellow with hints of gold and white, creating an adorable look. It's perfect for baby showers, newborn photo sessions, or a bubble bath-themed 1st birthday and cake smash!
Available as uninflated balloons shipped to your doorstep or helium-inflated balloon bouquets for local pickup or delivery.
- Colors -
Goldenrod, Yellow, Macaron Yellow, Chrome Gold, White Sand
- Details -
+ Ten 11" latex balloons in total
+ One jumbo 29" ducky foil balloon
+ Two types for you to choose: uninflated and helium inflated
+ Helium inflated option is for Ottawa local customers ONLY
+ Balloon ribbons NOT included for uninflated balloons
- Safety -
* Choke hazard; discard if broken
* Adults' supervision is required for children
* Do not release to the outdoor environment
* Avoid using near powerline.
* Avoid using under extreme weather