Elevate your birthday celebration with our Paw Patrol Balloon Bouquet! This colorful and cheerful arrangement features beloved characters from the popular kids' cartoon, adding an extra touch of excitement to your party. Available as uninflated balloons shipped to your doorstep or helium-inflated balloon bouquets for local pickup or delivery.
- Colors -
Latex Balloons: Red, Yellow, Orange, Robin's Egg Blue, Paws Pattern
- Details -
+ Ten 11" latex balloons in total, two balloons each color
+ One 18" licensed paw patrol foil balloon
+ Two types for you to choose: uninflated and helium inflated
+ Helium inflated option is for Ottawa local customers ONLY
+ Balloon ribbons NOT included for uninflated balloons
- Safety -
* Choke hazard; discard if broken
* Adults' supervision is required for children
* Do not release to the outdoor environment
* Avoid using near powerline.
* Avoid using under extreme weather